Tuesday, October 27, 2009
'Stuck in a Moment..
When stuck in traffic, click away the boredom :)
1. The lane that's moving- ain't yours for sure.
2. Resplendent view from the Taxi Window
3. Gaddi band, Meter Chalu.
4. Get of the vehicle and go make some friends. My new friend Amal, who loves to pose :)
5. BST Best hai!
Friday, October 23, 2009
Saturday, September 5, 2009
Friday, August 28, 2009
And then there was Light…

1. Camera
You need a camera with the ability to control the aperture size and the shutter speed.
The slower the shutter speed, the more drawing time you have.
I used a Canon 1000D which gives me complete manual control over all settings, so I can do pretty much anything under el sol (I mean 'the sun').
BUT any automatic camera has the capability of taking a long exposure picture giving you enough time to draw something, so your point and shoot will work under certain conditions too!
You can have a lot many tools like a tripod and a remote trigger (to keep your camera steady), but I don't own either, so I ain't gonna go there.
2. Laser pointer/LED
- I used a red laser pointer to draw/write.
3. Background and Lighting
4. Working it (If you got an SLR)
- The camera is set to manual for full control.
- The aperture setting is f8 to start. (Vary according to the lighting)
- The shutter speed setting is bulb. (Bulb lets you keep the shutter open for as long as you keep the click button pressed)
Keep your camera steady and focused on the area you're about to write on.
Press your camera button and simultaneously write on the surface with your laser pointer making sure it's done within the area that the camera is focused on.
Release the button once you're done.
Below is my first click.
5. Working it (If you got a Point & Shoot)
- Camera is on Auto with flash off.
- If you can set your ISO, put it on the highest level (Its not critical though, just helps in better pictures when it is dark)
Keep camera on a steady surface and focused.
In an automatic camera, in the dark, the shutter remains open for a longer time because it tries to gather as much light as it can. So by clicking in the dark, you slow down the shutter speed of the camera. You can't control how long the shutter remains open though.
So write or draw whatever you want as quickly as you can.
Below is what I managed with a Point & Shoot (Sony DSC T200 on ISO 1600)
Happy 'playing with camera and light pointer thingie' (For lack of a better sign-off) :)